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Corporate Health & Wellbeing

What are the challenges facing your staff members and the company as a whole? 

Healthy staff means greater productivity and less absenteeism. In 2023 the staff absence rate for the UK was 4.5%, an average of nearly 8 days per staff member. Not only does this increase the workload and stress for other employees, it also reduces the quality of everyone’s work, which in turn effects customers and suppliers, both of whom are key to the organisation meeting its financial and other targets. 

Work related stress, anxiety

The primary reason for absence is stress, which often manifests as physical pain, for instance migraine, inflammation and mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Tight schedules, pressure around meeting targets, not feeling valued, as well as achieving and maintaining both individual and team performance can all take their toll on an individual’s stress levels and ability to function optimally. 

Sitting at a computer for several hours a day can also result in symptoms such as neck pain, sciatica or headaches, while those working from home much of the time, especially since the pandemic, can also experience feelings of isolation and depression.

Loneliness, isolation

Health & Wellbeing Days / Away Days

Craniosacral taster sessions can be included as part of a corporate package for Health & Wellbeing days and away days. This is a great way to introduce staff members to the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy to experience how it can support them individually.

Corporate ease, contentment

Talks & Presentations

Zoë is also available to book for talks and presentations on the subject of Craniosacral Therapy and how this modality can help and support the wellbeing of staff and members of your organisation. 

She is familiar with the types of challenges faced by companies in maintaining staff wellbeing and boosting and maintaining staff morale and performance. By way of Craniosacral Therapy, Zoë can help to support individuals by relieving tension and reducing stress, allowing them to feel better and so become more productive.

To find out more about the ways in which Craniosacral Therapy can benefit your organisation, contact Zoë using one of the options available on the Contact page. 

Craniosacral Therapy Association
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